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GRW-G Growth Programme for small businesses

GRW-G Growth Programme for small businesses

Die ILB fördert mit dem Wachstumsprogramm für kleine Unternehmen Investitionsvorhaben der gewerblichen Wirtschaft.

Businesses in Brandenburg

Funding areas :
Investment in trade and industry

Funding type:

Funding bodies:
The state of Brandenburg, as per the directive issued by the Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy to develop trade and industry as a joint task “Improving the regional economic infrastructure”- GRW- (GRW-G)- Growth Programme for small businesses - Directive of 26 February 2015

Source of funds:
Federal government, State of Brandenburg

further information

Promotion of vocational further education and training in the state of Brandenburg

By means of the development programme, the ILB, commissioned by the Ministry of Work, Welfare, Health, Women and Family Affairs (MASGF) is pursuing the objective of supporting small and medium-sized businesses by retaining employees and improving their employability, and by stabilising and improving employment perspectives.

  • Employees with their main domicile in the State of Brandenburg (natural persons)
  • Businesses with their business premises in the State of Brandenburg in accordance with § 12 of the Fiscal Code
  • Associations with legal capacity headquartered in the State of Brandenburg
  • Public-sector and voluntary welfare organisations for children and young people in the State of Brandenburg

Funding areas:
Funding is being offered to promote participation by employees in individual and workplace-independent vocational further education programmes, and to promote their participation in vocational further educational activities, designed to develop their competencies, within businesses and associations.

Funding type:

Funding bodies:
The State of Brandenburg and the Ministry for Work, Welfare, Health, Women and Family Affairs (MASGF)

Source of funds:
European Social Fund (ESF)

further information